27 Admin area

by Wolfgang

28 iRecord to Recorder 6

by wjheeney

29 Editing Records

by charlie.davis

30 JNCCDel7

by annedonnelly

32 Taxon groups in Recorder

by Wolfgang

35 Change Record Type using TOCC key

by FNRCinfoassist

37 Batch update to correct species

by annedonnelly

38 R6 and Windows11

by atheta01

40 Report of records in grid squares

by Martin Collier

41 Show dictionary item details

by PhilippaTomlinson

43 Exporting TVK

by Lindsay_FifeNature

45 field recording

by PhilippaTomlinson

47 Habitat Regulations Schedules

by Lindsay_FifeNature

48 Range check error

by atheta01