Topic: How does Recorder 6 store lat/lng?

Hi all,

How does R6 store the lat/lng for a given Channel Islands grid square, centroid or SW corner? I believe it's stored as OSGB36 and not WGS84.

I guess I should also ask how do I export this (which report scalar function) as Darwin Core for the NBN Atlas from SQL Server to ensure the correct WGS84 lat/lng is presented?

Many thanks.

Les Evans-Hill
Senior Data Officer
Butterfly Conservation, Butterflies for the New Millennium and National Moth Recording Scheme


Re: How does Recorder 6 store lat/lng?

Lat Long is stored in OSGB 36. It stores the lat long as a point which will be the SW corne. The latest NBN Export addin  converts OSGB36 to GGS84, but there are  issues with it near the French coast so not if it can hadle Jersey.

Mike Weideli