The technical forum of the NBN Trust for use by the Network. It includes discussions and announcements on the NBN Atlas, Recorder 6 and Indicia |
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Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
For general announcements of interest to the general NBN community Moderated by ChrisR, NBN Support, Purba Choudhury, clareblencowe
Use this forum to broadcast details of technical developer posts. For all other vacancies please use the form on the main NBN site Moderated by ChrisR, NBN Support, Purba Choudhury
For issues using maps and boundaries Moderated by ChrisR, NBN Support, Purba Choudhury
Needs no explanation! Moderated by ChrisR, NBN Support, Purba Choudhury, clareblencowe, ser
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
Regular updates on NBN Atlas progress will be posted here. Please use this Forum for comments, feedback and general discussion. Moderated by NBN Support
Please add your suggestions for new features for the NBN Atlas here.
Regular updates on NBN Atlas progress will be posted here. Please use this Forum for comments, feedback and general discussion. Moderated by NBN Support
This forum is for providing feedback and suggestions for improvements to the NBN Atlas WMS features
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
Important announcements regarding Recorder. If you see something in here, please do read it first. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support, sallyrankin
This is the place to ask how to perform specific tasks in Recorder, or any other burning questions you might have. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support, sallyrankin
Got something to say that doesn't fit into the other categories? Talk about all other aspects of Recorder and biological recording here. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support, sallyrankin
Dedicated forum for those still using older versions of Recorder (3.3 etc.) Moderated by NBN Support
Help and discussion on all aspects of reporting in Recorder and SQL. Including Btach Updates. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support, michaelweideli, sallyrankin
Help and discussion regarding Recorder add-ins, 3rd party tools, and general Recorder customisation. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support, sallyrankin
Not sure what's wrong? Found a bug or error in Recorder? Post it here. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support
Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support, sallyrankin
This is for any queries, amendments or additions to the taxonomy of the NBN family of recording & reporting systems (e.g. Recorder, iRecord, NBN Gateway etc). Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support
Discussion forum for users of Marine Recorder Moderated by NBN Support
Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
Follow all the latest announcements on NBN Record Cleaner in this forum Moderated by NBN Support
Let us have your comments and suggestions by posting your feedback here Moderated by NBN Support
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This area of the Forum is for discussion and updates from the NBN Working Groups. The categories are self explanatory. Moderated by ALERC_NC, NBN Support
Moderated by NBN Support
Moderated by NBN Support
Moderated by NBN Support
Moderated by NBN Support
Moderated by NBN Support
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
Gateway updates and development news Moderated by NBN Support
This topic allows us to update you on the consultation phases and also allows you to give your comments and feedback Moderated by NBN Support
Help, advice and experiences with using the Gateway web services. Moderated by NBN Support
Dedicated to the general discussion of programming, web development and design, and related technologies Moderated by FionaCEDaR, NBN Support
Let us have any ideas or views on how the Gateway could be improved. Moderated by NBN Support
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
Moderated by NBN Support
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
The NBN is working together with OPAL to develop an on-line recording package called Indicia. You can keep up to date with developments in this forum, but you can find out more about Indicia and how it works by going to the Wiki at Moderated by NBN Support
A forum to discuss the positioning and utility of habitat data on the NBN Gateway to the wider NBN community such as LRCs and schemes & societies. If you want to post on a technical issue, consider whether or not it Moderated by NBN Support
Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post
This topic is a repository for files which will be of general interest to other users in the community. Please include the application which the files are for as part of the topic heading (eg. Recorder 6 XML Report - Delete Survey). Include details of how to use the files in the post. Moderated by AndyFoy, MikeWeideli, NBN Support
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