1 (edited by Darwyn Sumner 17-08-2015 09:51:16)

Topic: Links to Gateway not functioning

I had a list of links to the Gateway on Dipterists Forum website in the following format:

"["url=http://www.dipteristsforum.org.uk/sgb_nbn_map.php?id=NBNSYS0000028909]Rainieria calceata (Fall?n, 1820)[/url"]"

They don't appear to work any more.


Re: Links to Gateway not functioning

Hi, that isn't a link to the gateway itself, rather some php code someone else has written, a quick look at the error message suggests that its trying to access the old gateway which was turned off a a fair few months ago, that code would have to be re-written to work with the gateway.

Matt Debont
Application Developer
Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough PE1 1JY, UK