Topic: Recorder 6 MapMate Extract Query
A general query for transferring data from MapMate to Recorder 6. On import the MapMate key can be retained which means that duplicates will be spotted on future imports. The other option is to import the data as 'Temporary Data'. To do this create a new Survey with a Media type of Temporary Data. Import the date into this giving it new keys. Avoid generating new Locations (use Location Name for Locations and not the hierarchy). Optionally recorder names can be imported without parsing. If names are not being parsed then do not use the determiner column. When a new dataset becomes available the whole Survey is deleted, using a Batch Update, and the data re-imported.
If the MapMate system is being abandoned then the import to R6 then the transfer can be done as a new import, which will allocate new R6 keys. Locations can be imported into the Location Hierarchy or into the Location Name.