Topic: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Butterfly Conservation and Biological Records Centre have updated their butterfly and moth rules for Record Cleaner. The changes include:

* The ten km distributions, which cover macro moths, and have been updated based upon observations from 2000 to 2016.
* The identification difficulty, flight period, and recording period rules have been expanded to include micro moths.
* The butterfly rules have been separated out from the moth rules.
* The nomenclature has been updated to match the current species list.

The updated rules are now available to download and use in the NBN Record Cleaner

If you are using Windows 10, please follow these steps to update the rules:
1. Uninstall Record Cleaner
2. Delete the folder C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\NBNRecordCleaner
3. Reinstall Record Cleaner
4. Copy and install the latest species list (see below)
5. Start Record Cleaner and re-import all the new rulesets

Latest Master Species List available: 
The attached zip file contains the master species list taken from the UK Species Inventory in July 2021. This is the current version on the NBN Atlas.

The files can be updated manually on a fresh install of the NBN Record Cleaner. The zip file contains Graham French's original instructions on how to do this. See this forum post for more details https://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=6754.

Please let me know if you have any problems,

Best wishes, Sophie

Post's attachments

MasterSpeciesList-2021-08-03.zip 13.94 mb, 18 downloads since 2021-09-10 

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Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

I followed the procedure to update the Record Cleaner and when I updated the rules received the attached error message. On inspecting the BC Butterfly rules, the folder is empty. The moth rules appear to have updated, however the micro moths Cataclysta lemnata, Elophila nymphaeata and Nymphula nitidulata only appear in the period and flightperiod rules and not in the tenkm rules. There may be others - flight period contains 2697 files while tenkm has 864.

Charlie Darling
Scottish Wildlife Trust

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NBN Butterfly error.jpg 105.14 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Sorry Charlie,
Yes, we updated the rules again and I haven't been able to solve the issue. I will let you know when the problem has been corrected.

I am sorry for the inconvenience,

Best wishes, Sophie


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


Thanks for the quick response. There are a few other queries that I have:-

1.    I had several attempts trying to install the Record Cleaner. In one, I must have clicked on the OK button when the message about the Butterfly Rules appeared perhaps mistaking it for the message which states that errors have occurred but it is OK to use the Record Cleaner. After updating the rest of the rules I processed a collection of invertebrate records. At the verification stage I kept getting messages like the attached image. This occurred for about 11 Hoverfly species and approximately 110 Spider species. I thought this looked familiar and on searching the forum foundthat I had previously posted about this -

see https://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=4256.

Graham French reply that it should be fixed by version V1.0.8.4. However the downloadable version is V1.0.8.3.

2. The link on the page https://nbn.org.uk/tools-and-resources/ … d-cleaner/ to the Record Cleaner Installer does not appear to work. I had to copy the address and add an s to http to access it.

3. The Record Cleaner has two range rules for Bombus lucorum

Bombus (Bombus) lucorum fres_adj_dist_thres 100.txt
Bombus (Bombus) lucorum    TVK    NHMSYS0000875473

Bombus lucorum fres_adj_dist_thres 100.txt
Bombus lucorum    TVK    NHMSYS0020936546

Only one period rule

Bombus (Bombus) lucorum seasonal time period rule.txt
TVK    NHMSYS0000875473

In our version of Recorder:-

Recorder Master List    Dictionary version 50    Recorder Version 6.30.291

Bombus lucorum    TVK    NHMSYS0000875570

Bombus lucorum sensu lato    TVK    NHMSYS0020936546


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NBN Invert Error.JPG 48.85 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Hi Charlie,
I have updated the butterfly rules. I hope that a fresh install, including deleting the rules from the VerificationData folder should solve most of your issues.

The ten km distributions only cover macro moths and not micro moths, which is why there is a difference in the number of files between the two folders.

1. The downloadable version is V1.0.8.3 but if you can run the update it should be updated to V1.0.8.5, otherwise you have to update the rules and master species list manually. I think that is the issue here.

2. Thank you for letting me know. I have corrected the url

3. It looks like the Bombus lucorum rules needs to be updated to use the latest UKSI TVKs. Is that the problem?

Let me know how you get on after another fresh install.

Best wishes, Sophie


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


I forgot to mention that I am using Windows 10 so the software update in the Record Cleaner will not work. I reinstalled the Record Cleaner, copied over the Master Species files and updated the rules. The Butterfly rules installed Ok but I still get the "Run Period Within Year - Index was outside the bounds of the array." message for some of the Hoverfly and Spider rules when I processed the same spreadsheet of invertebrate records. Unfortunately, I have another set of records which has 239 spider records and over 300 Hoverfly records.



Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Hi Charlie,
Would you email me a chunk of the dataset (just enough to return the same error) and I will have a look.

Thanks, Sophie


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


Just checking to see if you had received my email with the attached files RC Hoverfly Sample.xlsx and RC Spider Sample.xlsx as I have not had an acknowledgement of its receipt.



Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


I think I have solved my problem with the Record Cleaner. I access Recorder 6 on a remote machine and it runs Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. I got our IT to install the Record Cleaner on it and after starting it clicked on software updates available. Version is now It also produced a text file mentioning the latest updates. I presume that means I am good to go.



Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Thanks for letting me know Charlie,

Yes, that sounds like you now have the latest version. Let me know if you still have problems with the rules. I meant to look today but didn't get to it.

Thanks, Sophie


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


I finally seem to have a working version of Record Cleaner. Here is what I did:-

I had the Record Cleaner installed on the remote machine. I then updated the software. I then updated the rules, but records did not get past validation. I had a look at the Master Lists which were not up to date. I then downloaded the recent Master Lists and copied then to the Verification Data folder. On running the Record Cleaner after that it seems to be functioning correctly.



Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Thanks for letting me know Charlie.

There is now an updated master species list. You should be able to replace the two files you have with the latest version from here: https://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=7767

Best wishes, Sophie


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


I updated the Master Species Lists to the latest version and then processed all our records with the Record Cleaner. The following species were all rejected at the validation stage as having unknown TVKs.

Curruca curruca    Lesser Whitethroat    NHMSYS0021311347   
Thalasseus sandvicensis    Sandwich Tern    NHMSYS0021274181
Speyeria aglaja    Dark Green Fritillary    NHMSYS0021297309
Mareca strepera    Gadwall            NHMSYS0021276116
Mareca penelope    Wigeon            NHMSYS0021276071

These all have genus names which have changed in recent years. When I changed these to the TVKs for the older genus names  below( luckily there were less than 10 records involved) all of them passed validation.

Sylvia curruca    NHMSYS0000530638
Sterna sandvicensis    NBNSYS0000000363
Argynnis aglaja    NHMSYS0000516211
Anas strepera    NBNSYS0000000192
Anas penelope    NBNSYS0000000188

I also noticed that the flight period rule for Dark Green Fritillary has Speyeria aglaja with TVK NHMSYS0021297309 and the tenkm rule has Argynnis aglaja    with TVK NHMSYS0000516211.

The overall verification results gave output of the right order.



Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Hi Charlie,
Curruca curruca (TVK NHMSYS0021311347) is in the master species list. I wonder if the master species list hasn't updated correctly.

Did you take the latest version from here:  https://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=7767 and copy the two text files into the Verification Data folder under your local installation of Record Cleaner?

Best wishes, Sophie


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list


Sorry about that. I was using an older version of the Master Lists. Downloaded latest and validation now works OK.



Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Hi Sophie,

I believe I mentioned to you last year via email that under specific conditions, the Record Cleaner software autoupdater works for me under windows 10, I'm able to replicate this every time; however, it may be a peculiarity of my W10 install, it may not work for everybody!!

If anyone does want to try it: Uninstall Record Cleaner and remove all associated folders i.e. C:\Program Files(x86)\NBNRecordCleaner and if it exists C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\NBNRecordCleaner; reboot; install (run as Administrator) Record Cleaner v1.0.8.3 with defaults; click "Software updates available". For me it updates the software to v1.0.8.5 and updates the Master Species List (MSL), although not the latest version.

Now the caveat... If it doesn't work, you can only attempt the process once a day, trying to do it more than once it fails to update  and the updater window hangs, you have to wait for the following day to try again. Hopefully this may give someone a pointer on the issue?

However, all that aside, the MSL the autoupdater downloads isn't the latest version, would it be possible to update the autoupdater version with the latest version please? I'm going to be running a couple of beginner workshops for county moth recorders soon and I want to demo the above install process and the autoupdater to show the delegates the autoupdater can work.

Les Evans-Hill
Senior Data Officer
Butterfly Conservation, Butterflies for the New Millennium and National Moth Recording Scheme


Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Hi Les,

Sorry for my delay in replying.

I have updated the Master Species List on the server and updated config files. I can't get the software update link to work though. Please let me know if the MSL doesn't update correctly for you.

Best wishes, Sophie

18 (edited by nmrs 08-02-2022 09:44:06)

Re: Updated butterfly and moth rules and master species list

Hi Sophie,

Unfortunately the MSL files didn't download with the autoupdater, I had to do them manually.


Les Evans-Hill
Senior Data Officer
Butterfly Conservation, Butterflies for the New Millennium and National Moth Recording Scheme