Re: Specimen Number reporting - field length: A problem solved.
As a museum we have a great deal of specimens in our database all with their collection numbers.
Trying to report on them returned an error suggesting field length issues.
I was about to post a plea in this forum - but halfway through typing, I went and trawled through the tables and noted that while the Specimen Number field may be input as thirty charcters - the report table still builds the output field as ten characters.
Changing it to a value of 30 solved the problem.
As a solution is as good as a problem - I post it.
SO if you are trying to report on Specimen Numbers you will need to change the value in the REPORT_FIELD table relating to the Specimen Number field in the FIELD_ITEM_NAME from 10 to 30.
This may be relevant to other fields if and when they throw up these errors.
For now.
Tullie House Museum