Re: XML Reports
I have put 4 XML reports on my web site in zip file They may be of use, but more importantly they demonstrate some of the techniques which make XML reports so powerful. All should run by simply unzipping them and copy into user/reports.
Detailed Species list 1 or10km - Run from 'Run' menu. Generates a list of records for either 1 or 10km squares (multiple selection)
This will be more accurate than a bounding box report as its uses Grid Refs rather than Lat/Long which is used by bounding box reports in both the wizard and XML.
Detailed Species - Site report = From the Run menu allows a site status to be entered and produces a summary reports for all Locations with the selected status. When selected from the location hierarchy the report includes both the selected sites and all sub sites down the hierarchy.
Meta data report - Runs as a Quick report from a Taxon Determination entry (species name) in the Observation hierarchy. Shows the Dictionary used and the names/ sort order which will be used in reporting. Useful for finding problems with the Dictionary.
Location reports. Report on Locations based on a wild card search of the Location Name entry in Survey Event and Sample and on the names of the Location attached to both Survey Events and Samples.
I also have various other reports which require the loading of new user defined functions. These include reports based on circles of user defined radius, and on Tetrads. The User Defined functions require some sort of Query mechanism to load and need Admin permissions on SQL server. I am interested in seeing how we can develope XML reports to meet real needs and would be pleased to have suggestions for reports (no promises about producing them though).