Re: Output format/grouping for a report


The question is in two parts and they might be related.
Firstly, I am producing a report which is ordered/grouped by sample reference. For each sample reference there are associated taxon occurrences. I have run and printed this and it looks ok and prints on seperate pages with page numbering etc. The issue I have is that the taxon occurrence details are not grouped together if they spill over onto a new page. I have looked at some of the options for the group and the only one I saw forces a new page for each sample reference. Is there an option that I am missing that would enable the sample ref. and taxon occurences to be output together and not spilled over to a new page without the sample reference details? i.e. the sample ref. and related taxon occurrence details are always kept together.

The second problem comes when I want to output the report to .rtf format so it can be read in Word. I want to do this as I need to be able to email reports to other people. The problem in Word is that the details which fitted onto the pages in Recorder 6 don't in Word. So I get end of page 1 spilling over to page 2. This then prints a series of blank lines and then the page 2 details get printed onto page 3.  An extra blank page also gets produced at the end.This might well be an issue with the way Word formats documents but I would be interested to hear if anyone has any solutions or thoughts on the above 2 problems.


Cheers for now

Gary Pocklington