1 (edited by stevemcbill 05-05-2010 15:38:48)

Re: Holly Leaf Gall Fly Parasites

As far as I can see the following hymenopterous parasites of the Holly Leaf Gall Fly (Phytomyza ilicis) are missing from the current dictionary (as per: The Holly Leaf-miner (Phytomyza ilicis Curt.) and its Parasites - Ewen Cameron, 1939).

- Chrysocharis gemma (Curt.) Walker

- Chrysocharis syma Walk.

- Pleurotropis amyntas Walk.

- Opius ilicis Nixon

- Closterocerus trifasciatus Walk.

Sadly, despite looking, I have been unable to pin down any author dates for these names.

It would be handy if these could be incorporated into the next dictionary update as I intend to attempt both breeding out of these from P.ilicis mines and also identification via the larvae and pupae following the Cameron paper.  It would be good to find and record some of these species for the Cheshire region, for rECOrd and for the NBN Gateway !

While I am on - the same paper (Cameron, 1939) shows that the current entry for Phytomyza ilicis in the dictionary requires another synonym to be added, this being:

- Chromatomyia ilicis, Curt.

Cheers and thanks.


Steve J. McWilliam


Re: Holly Leaf Gall Fly Parasites


I have addedd the following (codes are the Taxon Version Keys):

Chrysocharis gemma (Walker, 1839) NHMSYS0020688791

Chrysocharis pubicornis (Zetterstedt, 1838) NHMSYS0020688797 (Chrysocharis syma Walker, 1839 is now a synonym)

Pediobius metallicus (Nees, 1834) NHMSYS0020688803 (Pleurotropis amyntas (Walker, 1839) is now a synonym)

Opius ilicis Nixon, 1939 NHMMSYS002088809

Closterocerus trifasciatus Westwood, 1833 NHMSYS002088815 (note change of authority)

Best wishes,

Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile