Re: New Psyllid (Aphalara itadori) Required in Dictionaries

It looks like we need a new Psyllid adding to the Dictionary. This insect, the Japanese Knotweed Psyllid, is to be released in Britain to bring Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) under control.

The psyllid Aphalara itadori, to be released in Britain, only eats Japanese knotweed. The insects were brought to the UK from a specific location in southern Japan where the plant grows on rocky volcanic slopes and the climate is similar to the UK.

The aphid-like insect is about 2mm long and is an orange or brown colour. Typically the psyllid will only live for a few weeks and go through two or three life cycles in one summer. It lays thousands of eggs which hatch and immediately start sucking sap from the plant through its sharp mouth.

The winged insects are currently being bred in captivity in Britain but could spread once they are released, using the wind to carry them further.



Steve J. McWilliam


Re: New Psyllid (Aphalara itadori) Required in Dictionaries

Am I the only person who finds the phrase "only eats Japanese Knotweed" chillingly familar?

According to the Telegraph "Cabi, the not-for-profit organisation that is rolling out the introduction of the psyllid, put eggs on around 90 other plants like the knotweed but none were able to develop as adults." By my reckoning that only leaves about 1500 native plant species they didn't test it on.

Fingers crossed eh?

Rob Large
Wildlife Sites Officer
Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre


Re: New Psyllid (Aphalara itadori) Required in Dictionaries

As it is all over the news today, I suppose that we had better add it to the Species Dictionary!

Done: Aphalara itadori (Shinji, 1938) Taxon Version Key NHMSYS0020546270


Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile