Re: Quick Report - Places for Occurences.

Having gone through Dictionaries and Taxon to find the desired species, the places for occurences report appears to only find records input using that dictionary.
Can anyone confirm this is true please. It's not just our system as I discovered this whilst problem solving for one of our recorders.



Re: Quick Report - Places for Occurences.

A bit of further information in case anyone could verify this problem.
One case was Dicranum Majus reporting from Bryophytes (0 records) and reporting from Recorder 3.3 (8 records), similarly Meles Meles from Mammalia (8 pages) and from Recorder 3.3 (44 pages).

Thanks in anticipation.



Re: Quick Report - Places for Occurences.

Hi Dave
You are right, at least mostly. To cut a long story short, there are 2 ways of identifying synonyms or the same taxa in different lists in the dictionary which each give different results. If the dictionary was "perfect" that wouldn't happen. Anyway, this report uses the older method (Index_Taxon_Synonym) rather than the new method (NameServer), hence the often poor results.

Lynn, it should be a fairly small task to change this report to use the NameServer. In fact I think it would not hurt to search the Recorder source and remove all references to Index_Taxon_Synonym from the queries which are trying to build synonyms lists, though this is a bit more work as there are a few references to check.


John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Quick Report - Places for Occurences.

Thanks John. Glad it wasn't me cracking up. Eagerly await the new version so I can placate our irate recorder.

