Re: Badger Act 1992

Hi all,
I have been using the designation sets built into recorder for exracting data and all seems to be well (as far as i can tell). I performed an extraction for a polygon with our PSI rucksack and again with the UK & Euro protected spp designation lists and got similar results. The one glaring ommission was that the Badger Act designation seemed to fail to pull through Badger records. Upon investigation the entry for Badger in the Recorder 3.3 dictionary was not linked to this piece of legislation. I have editted the dictionary and re-built the designation tables and this now seems to work. Strange that the R3 dict and Mammalia Dict entry were not linked in any way. But anyway - VICTORY IS MINE!!!!


Re: Badger Act 1992

The designation sets use only the JNCC collation of taxon designations list hence the recorder 3 and the preferred lists are not linked to them. There is currently a bug within these that will be fixed in one of the dictioanry upgrades to be released this week which included some old TLIK's for a number of designations (badgers and conservation regulations being a some).
