Re: Problem accessing the Indicia core
I tried to install indicia from svn, but I encountered two problems:
While loading the sql.files into the postgresql database, the script 200901151014_osgb36.sql stopped, because there are missing ';' at the end of the UPDATE statements.
I run trough the whole Quick Guide as described on the project site. When I try to reach the site //localhost/indicia/index.php I allways end up at the Indicia setup-page. If I define there the database I use, I run into an ErrorExeption.
C:/xampp/htdocs/indicia/modules/indicia_setup/controllers/setup.php 122?:
pg_query() []: Query failed: ERROR: type "box2d" already exists Stack Trace
* modules\indicia_setup\controllers\setup.php 122?:
Indicia::indicia_exception_handler( Resource id #35, -- -- PostgreSQL database dump
//here comes the whole database dump ...
//the end looks like that
# modules\indicia_setup\controllers\setup.php 71?:
Setup_Controller?->db_insert_data( )
Setup_Controller?->run( )
# system\core\Kohana.php 304?:
ReflectionMethod?->invokeArgs( Setup_Controller? Object (
template? => View Object
[kohana_filename:protected] => C:/xampp/htdocs/indicia/modules/indicia_setup/views/setup.php [kohana_filetype:protected] => .php [kohana_local_data:protected] => Array
title? => Indicia Setup description? => Before continue here you must first create a postgresql database and may a schema.
auto_render? => 1 uri? => URI Object
( )
input? => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1 [magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1 ip_address? =>
view_var? => Array
url? => http://localhost/indicia/index.php/setup/run dbhost? => localhost error_dbhost? => dbport? => 5432 error_dbport? => dbuser? => myusername error_dbuser? => dbpassword? => mypassword error_dbpassword? => dbschema? => public error_dbschema? => dbname? => indicia page_title_error? => error_dbname? => error_general? => Array
( )
db_file? => C:\xampp\htdocs\indicia/modules/indicia_setup/db/indicia_setup.sql db? => Array
host? => localhost port? => 5432 name? => indicia schema? => user? => myusername password? => mypassword
dbconn? => Resource id #35 schema_and_postfix? =>
# system\core\Event.php 209?:
Kohana::instance( )
# system\core\Bootstrap.php 55?:
Event::run( Array (
0? => Kohana 1? => instance
# index.php 122?:
require( system\core\Bootstrap.php )
What could be wrong with it? since it seems, as if the whole installation is ok (database and tables are created, config.php is adapted).