Re: Accessing other data sources in XML reports
Perhaps someone can come up with an idea about how to incorporate other data sources into an XML report, by this I mean a list either from within Recorder (e.g. a Rucksack of Protected/CRoW 74 species) and/or a table in an external Access database. There is a thread about this on the LRC Technical Forum at
Here's a real example to show what I mean:
Our Districts deliver Planning lists to our surveyors once a week, these lists contain grid references of various developments that are contemplated in their area. What our surveyors need to do is to provide advice on which of the proposed developments are likely to need a bit of care under various wildlife legislation (e.g. bats, badgers etc.). To do this they currently enter each grid square coordinates into the Report Wizard's bounding box and, with the Protected species Rucksack open, determine which species are present. They do this for each of the 20 or 30 items in each District's weekly list - a laborious and time-consuming task. The results are then hand written to produce a final report.
What I would like to do is develop an XML report which responded again to the open Rucksack and to a list of all those 1Km search areas (via a single key field which identifies multiple rows in an Access table - one row for each development - more at the above thread). All the surveyor would need to do then is populate an Access table with the Planning list essentials, open an XML report, bung in the Planning list's unique key and obtain a final report fit for mailing to the District planners (and saving our staff a heck of a lot of time)
So how do I get an XML to:
a) respond to an open Rucksack
b) respond to an Access table
Getting useful reports out of Recorder is bread and butter work for an LRC so it's been disappointing to see so few tips and tricks in this section. Please give this one a try if you know how.