1 (edited by stevemcbill 07-06-2009 10:40:04)

Re: New Gall CAuser


A new gall causer has appeared in Kent and Surrey - it is the gall wasp: Neuroterus saliens Kollar 1857. This has been reported in Cecidology magazine/journal - sorry I do not know which issue but a relatively recent one.

Neuroterus saliens on Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) is a small irregular ball or kidney shaped gall along the mid-rip on the leaves. They are somewhat similar to Neuroterus anthracinus on section robur oaks, but not as regular, shiny. The species has two alternating generations, both developing on Turkey oak. The literature mentions other oaks as host. The spring bisexual generation develops inside the 2nd year young acorns in up to 20 separated chambers stopping the development of the acorn and causing early acorn abscission. The autumn asexual generation develops in 3-4 mms long elongated galls on the mid veins on the underside of the leaves. The bisexual gall was earlier called Neuroterus glandiformis but later the two “species” were paired as alternating generations of each other.

I am rather hoping that the Galls will be available in the next Dictionary Update and thought I should report this one in case it was currently missing from the list provided for inclusion. I know it is not in the current MapMate list.



Steve J. McWilliam


Re: New Gall CAuser

Dear Steve,

No it is not in the new BPGS List (which will, by the way, certainly be in the next Dictionary update. I shall ask BPGS whether they are happy for rthis record to be included.


Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile


Re: New Gall CAuser

Thanks Charles - very much appreciated !!



Steve J. McWilliam