Re: Odonata sort order

The recommended taxon sort order found in the British Dragonfly Society/Recorder Checklist of British Dragonflies and Damselflies checklist does not match the order in which taxa appear in the checklist presented on the BDS website.

Which one is correct?

Here's the order in which they appear in Recorder:

06500000001    Odonata
06500000002    Zygoptera
06500000005    Platycnemis pennipes
06500000006    Coenagrionidae
06500000008    Pyrrhosoma nymphula
06500000010    Ischnura elegans
06500000011    Ischnura pumilio
06500000013    Enallagma cyathigerum
06500000014    Coenagrion
06500000018    Coenagrion pulchellum
06500000020    Coenagrion puella
06500000027    Erythromma
06500000028    Erythromma najas
06500000030    Erythromma viridulum
06500000032    Ceriagrion tenellum
06500000035    Lestidae
06500000038    Lestes sponsa
06500000039    Lestes dryas
06500000040    Lestes viridis
06500000043    Sympecma fusca
06500000045    Calopteryx
06500000046    Calopteryx virgo
06500000048    Calopteryx splendens
06500000050    Anisoptera
06500000053    Gomphus flavipes
06500000054    Gomphus vulgatissimus
06500000058    Cordulegaster boltonii
06500000060    Aeshnidae
06500000062    Brachytron pratense
06500000064    Aeshna
06500000066    Aeshna juncea
06500000067    Aeshna grandis
06500000068    Aeshna cyanea
06500000069    Aeshna mixta
06500000070    Aeshna affinis
06500000074    Anax imperator
06500000075    Anax parthenope
06500000079    Corduliidae
06500000081    Cordulia aenea
06500000085    Somatochlora metallica
06500000089    Libellulidae
06500000090    Libellula
06500000091    Libellula depressa
06500000092    Libellula fulva
06500000093    Libellula quadrimaculata
06500000095    Orthetrum coerulescens
06500000096    Orthetrum cancellatum
06500000103    Sympetrum
06500000104    Sympetrum vulgatum
06500000105    Sympetrum striolatum
06500000108    Sympetrum fonscolombii
06500000112    Sympetrum flaveolum
06500000113    Sympetrum sanguineum
06500000114    Sympetrum danae
06500000118    Leucorrhinia dubia
Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Odonata sort order


I would go with the order on the BDS website. Although the list in Recorder was vetted by BDS, they did not comment on our order. However, it would seem to make sense to align the Recorder list with that on the BDS website and I shall see that this is done.

Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile


Re: Odonata sort order


There has been very little comment on taxon sort order anywhere on these fora, although it was touched on recently in http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=719.

I find the ordering of many of the lists, but the Vascular Plants and the Bryophyte checklists in particular (where species are sorted alphabetically within alphabetical genera), very frustrating when generating reports.  I have users that can understand a taxonomically ordered list as it is roughly in the order of their plant book, and would expect the Magnoliopsida to come before the Liliopsida.  I now spend quite a proportion of my time on datasearches using routines external to Recorder to put reports into an acceptable order for users.

I accept that the convention for some groups may be alphabetical, but where published orders exist, why aren't these followed within Recorder. The BSBI website includes a downloadable list of species with a taxonomic order and the British Bryological Society publish a checklist in taxonomic order, and no doubt others are as easily available.

I have never been sure whether this is a Species Dictionary issue, or more strictly just a Recorder one, so apologies if this thread is not the right place for this discussion.

Alison Stewart
Dorset Environmental Records Centre

Alison Stewart
Dorset Environmental Records Centre