Topic: New Fungi species

Please can you considering adding the following:

Puccinia laschii Lagerheim, 1895.
P. laschii often considered identical with, or a variety of, P. calcitrapae.
Index Fungorum lists it as a species. (Ured. Herbar. El. Fries: 63 (1895))

Puccinia pseudostriiformis M. Abbasi, Hedjar. & M. Scholler 2005 (in Abbasi, Hedjaroude, Scholler & Goodwin, Rostaniha 5(2): 76 (2005) [2004])

Entyloma ranunculi-scelerati Kochman,1936
Until the revision by Kruse (2022) this species was considered conspecific with E. ranunculi-repentis (now E. eburneum (Schröter) Kruse, Lutz, Piątek & Thines 2018).
Kruse J, Thiel H, Braun U & Kummer V, 2022. Bemerkenswerte Funde phytoparasitischer Kleinpilze. 19. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 89(1):41-122.

Thank you


Re: New Fungi species

Hello Chris. For basidios,  I have to follow the Kew Basidio checklist so can't simply add species. The rusts and smuts are complicated due to the different interpretations. I have taken the approach of getting as many potential new names in as synonyms at least so they can be recorded under that name and then there is agreement on the split, the records will transfer with that name. Puccinia laschii is already on the UKSI but might not have made it yet to the FRDBI/Recorder etc. The other two species would be new British records (although there is a record of P.pseudostriiformis from the Welsh micro group in the pipeline. Could I ask if you contact Martyn Ainsworth (M.Ainsworth@kew.org) with details of these records (and sequences??) so they can be added to CBIB? Then I can add them to the UKSI.


Re: New Fungi species

Thank you David.
I fully understand the taxonomic problems with the microfungi and spent ages trying to sort out which names are the current versions. I'll forward the records to Martyn and if necessary he can check with the original recorder.
