Topic: Changing sub species to species using tok keys

Hello, a few years ago Mike made me an xml batch update that would change a sub species of bird to a species (Motacilla alba yarrellii to Motacilla alba). Is there anyway I can get that xml (LCSpecial201) edited to only change the records listed by TOK in a csv rather than every record of sub sp yarrellii? Some of the yarrelliis need to stay as yarrelliis. There are many hundreds that need to change in our database and it would be a pain to have to do them one by one. Any help appreciated.

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LCSpecial201ChangeTLIKey.xml 454 b, 5 downloads since 2023-10-31 

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Re: Changing sub species to species using tok keys

Generate an excel file using the report Wizard. Make sure you include the  Taxon_Occurrence_key. Remove any records which are Ok and all columns except the Taxon_Occurrence_Key. Save as a csv file which can be used in an dapted version of the batch update.

I attach an xml file designed to do this, but can't test it here at the momen. take a backup before trying and if it works check the resukts with a new  Report before continuing to use Recorder.  Let me know if it fails and I will take a look.

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LCSpecial202ChangeTLIKey.xml 817 b, 2 downloads since 2023-11-01 

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Mike Weideli


Re: Changing sub species to species using tok keys

Hi Mike, I tried this yesterday and again today but it didnt work. I got a message saying it had been applied but nothing has changed on the records themselves. I shall have another look at these next week. Thank you