Topic: Species names in Recorder 6 dictionary vs. iRecord
iRecord is a very well used recording tool in Sussex and generates a large number of records that are regularly downloaded and imported into the SxBRC's R6 database. To make the import process smoother the records are name-matched with the TVK's supplied in the download rather than the actual taxon names. This also completely removes any possibility of mismatched taxon names being mistakenly imported. However, the most recent iRecord download contained records of four taxa for witch there was no match in our (up to date) species dictionary. On further investigation, I found that these taxa weren't in listed in the UK Species Inventory or the NBN Atlas species search. This begs the question as to how and why iRecord should be out of sync with these other authorities and where is the master copy? I am assuming that the taxa in question are to be added to the other lists, unless, that is, that they have been deleted and iRecord is lagging behind.
The taxa in question are:
Xanthogramma pedissequum sensu lato - TVK: NHMSYS0021196425
Xanthogramma pedissequum sensu strictu - TVK: NHMSYS0021196431
Botanophila striolata/discreta agg. - TVK: NHMSYS0021199107
Dasysyrphus venustus sensu lato - TVK: NHMSYS0021196476
Any thoughts on the matter would be most welcome.