Topic: Dictionary Upgrade 0000003F to 0000003N
Dictionary Upgrade 0000003F to 0000003N is now available at . Please note that it can only be applied to Recorder v 6.25 or above. Applying it to other version will corrupt table Index_Taxon_Name.
The main purpose of the upgrade is to resolve problems with the taxonomic sort order, but a few new taxa are included. Taxonomic sort order is based on the structure held in the Organism table. This structure also control reporting down the taxonomic hierrachy, for example when using 'Expand taxonomic groups' in the Report Wizard. The opportunity have been taken to fix some anomalies in the structure which were causing problems when expanding some groups (eg. Tracheophyta).
Problems with sort order and expanding taxonomic group should be reported under R6 Dictionary issues - please start a new topic and do not use this one. They may be problems within the NHM Dictionary or relate to the way R6 uses the data. Either way we will do our best to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.