Topic: Dictionary Upgrade 2C,2D,2E

Dictionary Upgrade 0000002C,2D,2E is now available at http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-4615

This update brings R6 in line with the NHM Dictionary as at 8/7/2014. It mainly implements a revision of the JNCC designations. A few new taxa have been added to the list of additional names. These are listed in the attached file.   

The 4 index tables will need to be rebuilt after this upgrade.  There is a slight difference in requirement for building these after version 6.22 in that from 6.22 onwards  'Rebuild Taxon  Name Index' must  be run before the other rebuilds.  Irrespective of which version of R6 you are running if the Indexes are rebuilt in the order shown in the menu then this will produce the correct result.

Post's attachments

New_Taxa_UpgradeC2D2E.xlsx 15.08 kb, 6 downloads since 2014-07-11 

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Mike Weideli


Re: Dictionary Upgrade 2C,2D,2E

Was 00000029,2A,2B announced? I missed that one.

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Dictionary Upgrade 2C,2D,2E

Sorry it didn't get announced in the usual way, but there were some posts about it, including a  file detailing of the new taxa added. http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?pid=20818#p20818

Mike Weideli