Re: Upgrade from V6.9.3 - V6.10 released

Hi everyone

The upgrade from version 6.9.3 to 6.10 has now been released - it is available to download from the Recorder Software website - see http://forums.nbn.org.uk/recorderWebsite/upgrades.htm.

As well as containing a number of bug fixes, the upgrade extends Recorder to support language switching (according to the system locale) and enables the development of addins which use multiple spatial reference systems. For more details please download the release notes from the Recorder Software website.

Those upgrading network copies of V6.9.3 also need to run the WorkstationUpgrade.exe file (from the Workstation Upgrade folder) on every workstation with Recorder 6 on it. This is to ensure that users can correctly uninstall Recorder 6 if they need to - please refer to the release notes for more details.

The upgrade contains two new XML reports (kindly provided by Charles Roper from the Sussex Biodiversity Records Centre), which take advantage of a new function - 'HtmlToPlainText' included in the upgrade.

In addition, a new version of the Dictionary Upgrade Kit has been provided - this has been revised in accordance with the 'internationalisation' of Recorder 6. It does not contain any actual dictionary updates, but should be used to run any future updates released.

As always, ensure the Recorder 6 database is correctly backed up before proceeding with the upgrade.

Best wishes,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant