Re: Lasius niger

I have found a mapping error in the species dictionary concerning Lasius niger

The entry for Lasius niger in the Recorder 3 list maps to Lasius niger sensu stricto - this is obviously wrong, as the split had not been made when the Recorder dictionary was produced, so ALL Rec 3 records should map to L.niger sensu lato

Craig Slawson
Staffordshire Ecological Record


Re: Lasius niger

Hi Craig,

Many thanks for the prompt. Actually it highlights an interesting issue with regard to databases of checklists and the need for recorders to select the most appropriate list.

Basically, you are correct in that Recorder 3 only knew about "Lasius niger" and that is what it listed. Now we would treat that species differently and so you would probably find that any records recorded against the Recorder 3 list would probably be mapped to "sensu lato". But the Recorder 3 list itself must remain as it was - we can't go back and edit the checklist itself. :)

Best wishes,
Chris R.

Chris Raper, Manager of the UK Species Inventory, Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity,
Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD.  (tel: 020 7942 5894)
also Tachinid Recording Scheme (http://tachinidae.org.uk/)