Re: Spider inconsistency

Welcome to the new job, Chris.  Here is another problem to add to your workload!

I have just been importing some spider records (not my taxon) into R6.  One name was wrongly spelled, and to clarify I went to NBNG and found an inconsistency.  Cutting it short, if you search the Gateway for Lepthyphantes mengei  [Kulczynski, 1887     TaxonVersionKey: NBNSYS0000009217] you get Tenuiphantes mengei (Kulczynski, 1887)     TaxonVersionKey: NHMSYS0020786001 as the preferred name.

Tenuiphantes is not recognised in R6 ( and dictionary Y, and I have just rebuilt the indices and re-checked this) even when searching unrestricted.

So why does NBN recognise it and R6 does not?



Re: Spider inconsistency

Hi Murdo - thanks for the welcome :D   When I get into the office on Monday I will check out the NHM database but the discrepancy might just be due to the NBNG using a more recent version of the data than your copy of R6. Either way I will let you know what the NHM master copy says  :)

Chris Raper, Manager of the UK Species Inventory, Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity,
Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD.  (tel: 020 7942 5894)
also Tachinid Recording Scheme (http://tachinidae.org.uk/)


Re: Spider inconsistency

Yes, it's as I suspected, I think your R6 is just slightly behind in version, compared to the NBNG - the changes should filter through in the next R6 taxonomy update, I think :)

Chris Raper, Manager of the UK Species Inventory, Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity,
Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD.  (tel: 020 7942 5894)
also Tachinid Recording Scheme (http://tachinidae.org.uk/)


Re: Spider inconsistency

Thanks, Chris.  At least  that was easily solved.
