Re: Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, 1960

Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, 1960 (Coniopterygidae - wax flies) is missing from the NBN Gateway online search @ http://data.nbn.org.uk/ but has been assigned the taxon key NBNSYS0100003286 by the NBN Species dictionary online search @ http://nbn.nhm.ac.uk/nhm/

This key matches Grapholita internana when used on the NBN Gateway online search @ http://data.nbn.org.uk/

Who is correct?


Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, 1960

Hello Charlie

The differences that you are finding are due to the NHM NBN Species dictionary showing the taxonkey for a taxon whereas NBN Gateway uses the taxonversionkey. These 2 keys may be different, as is the case for the lacewing you are looking at.

Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, 1960 has a taxonversionkey of NBNSYS0100003393 but a taxonkey of NBNSYS0100003286. This taxonkey is the same as the taxonversionkey for Grapholita internana. In answer to your question therefore both are correct, but they are different keys.

The NBN Gateway does not report Helicoconis hirtinervis as there are no records currently for this species on the NBN Gateway. It would be more useful if it at least provides the link to taxonomic information as this would then give the taxonversionkey for the species. This is on the list for future improvements to the NBN Gateway.

Best wishes
Graham French
NBN Technical Liaison Officer