Re: DMAP output from Recorder 6
I have put a set of XML reports on my web site at www/ These produce output in a format which DMAP can use. They cover the existing DMAP export functionality (which is not working properly) plus lots of other things including date cut off, habitats, observers. Also included in the zip files are instructions on the final exporting process for these files and an explanation on how they can be used in DMAP. There is currently a problem in XML reports in sorting large result sets (over 60,000 records on my machines). As the DMAP output must be in order and the files tend to be large I have attempted to overcome this problem in teh XML reports, and on my machines this allows up to 300,000 plus records to be exported to the DMAP files. This may not be the case on every system and if the reports are not coming out in order I would be interested to know. Also these reports contain a number of techniques which may be of use in other situations.