This is proboably a related problem, but not the same one. There has been code for a long time which has made a parent Organism redundant where all its children are redundant. This is fine above species level, but there were some recent instances where sub-species had been made redundant which resulted in the species and above all being made redundant, which is not correct. In 6.26.2 control of this has been taken out of the R6 application and put in the Dictionary upgrade, which will make it easier to deal with anomalies. I will investigate the current situation with Erebidae family and let you know. Probably an upgrade to the latest dictionary will sort the problem without upgrading to 6,26.2, but I need to check this.
The big advantage in 6.26.2 is that it allows you top see the Organsim table as a hierarchy so you can see exactly how it is structured. Structure of Erebidae is attached.
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Mike Weideli