Topic: Environment Agency Data Template
I've been looking at this and trying to work out what R6 fields best match to Marina's new EA template fields. There are few awkward bits, such as location and location name appearing to need to be concatenated into one field to ensure the location description is adequately filled. I imagine there is some code somewhere within an existing XML report that would do this, but if it would obviously need altering to provide the rest of the information Marina requires.
Also is there a way to pull out start and end date without going through the back end or SQL Server Management Studio. I found a couple examples on her relating to SD/ED but they were very specific and I couldn't see how to use them for this.
We don't presently have the XML knowledge to create our own bespoke report for this so I can see I am probably going to have to muddle through using my limited Access skills, but if anyone else does create a suitable report and is willing to share it with other LERCs I'd for one be really grateful.
Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre