Hi Murdo, firstly I apologise for the lack of response from this side of the fence, I could go on about how we are busy, but we should still respond to the forum in a somewhat timely manner even when this is the case.
I may not respond to everything but I am looking at posts on the forum when they pop up, these two issues you have brought up in the past are very likely to have been related to an issue with one of our database warehouses providing inconsistent results. I have taken it out of circulation several times due to this adding it back in when the problem was resolved but it has kept coming back and so it has now been removed permanently now pending a rebuild of that server.
This happened last week, but I cannot recreate these problems as you describe them in both of those threads looking at Agalma elegans I find a map with records displayed on it just fine and I have also not experienced pink squares from the IMT for a long time now, if you are getting consistent pink squares during use please try and capture the response from the server (Pink squares are displayed when the server does not return an image, usually it will send you an XML file which will contain the actual error you are seeing) you can grab them using the developer console to record the connections made to the gateway servers (F12 in chrome and most other browsers, usually has a network tab which records the requests/responses).
I am sure you can appreciate that it is difficult to respond to a problem that I cannot recreate and would request further details in the form of something that I can action,
1 - What where you doing exactly, I need an exact path that recreates what you are seeing, preferably with urls, screenshots, supporting files from responses, etc... so I can look at the responses and visual data where possible
2 - What exactly do you expect to see
3 - When did this happen
Matt Debont
Application Developer
Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough PE1 1JY, UK