A deafening silence from the Gateway team on this - not even yet another plea for interminable patience - which would appear to be a more fundamental error in a site whose central purpose is - you guessed it - mapping records!
The error with C. psilaspis persists today 0820h. Out of curiosity, I tried another taxon at random, Pleuroceras pseudoplatani, and - well knock me down with a feather! - the records are there and the dots are not (see attachment, where the records for NO11 and NT26 are not plotted).
I am not prepared to believe that I have stumbled at random on the only two examples of faulty mapping, so let's be clear: there is a fundamental software problem preventing the grid (that too, though I have not included the screenshot) and IMT mapping operating correctly, and there is no way that the user can tell there is an error unless they compare the map and the records.
Please sort it, and all the other problems that pervade this mess of a site.
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