Re: Problem With Recorder 6 Standalone Installation
I'm not sure if I have a problem or not but it certainly doesn't feel like normal behaviour
I'm installing Recorder 6 as a new Standalone Installation (Version 6.6.8). Everything runs smoothly until I get to the Recorder Database Setup section, specifically the window headed Creating Access Link File.
At this point I get a windo pop up telling me that "A critical error has occured in the Recorder Database Migration application" with a link to further information which gives the the following error log
Exception occurred in application Recorder Database Migration at 08/06/2006 14:31:30.
Version :
Exception path:
EOleException : Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed
Operating System : Windows XP 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2
Physical Memory available : 523,808 KB
DLLs loaded:
adortl70.bpl (
bdertl70.bpl (
dbrtl70.bpl (
kernel32.dll (5.1.2600.2180)
ole32.dll (5.1.2600.2726)
rtl70.bpl (
user32.dll (5.1.2600.2622)
vcl70.bpl (
vclx70.bpl (
version.dll (5.1.2600.2180)
Information has been saved to the file C:\DOCUME~1\Alistair\LOCALS~1\Temp\LastError.txt
Clearing the window leaves the original Recorder Database Migration box but nothing else seems to happen (left for an hour). If I close this window I get the message that continuing may leave recorder in an inconsistant state!
Recorder seems to open and run without problems but I do get the occasional error message on shutting down but this tells me absolutly nothing other than an error occured with Recorder.exe
I've tried uninstalling but on clicking on the remove icon in Control Panel the remove software window trys (?) to open but in practice flashes on an off about once every tenth of a second.
I've tried reinstalling with no success and I've even tried installing recorder 2002 to see if this might help but that was a long shot.
As I say, Recorder seems to work but I'm unhappy with the way the installation process finished. Do I have a problem
Surrey Biological Records Centre (but on this occasion setting up Recorder 6 at home for personal and professional use)