Re: Smartphone data entry app
At the PTES we need a simple app that can be used for public participation and survey work across a range of habitats and species. Following a discussion with John van Breda, I propose all interested parties state their position with regards to development of an application that can be used on smart phones for field data entry of species and habitat data.
This technology is being developed by a number of companies that wish to charge a premium for its use, which is out of reach for many NGOs and small consultancy firms.
Please review/add to my initial thoughts on this proposal. If you are interested we can discuss the steps necessary to bring the project to fruition. John van Breda has expressed an interest in developing this resource both in person, and on this forum - two years ago!
Ideally it will:
- be based on Indicia technology
- automatically record most of the relevant data to complete an NBN record, such as GPS location, time, date, species etc., but also images if required.
- allow a simple data export for each organisation
- be relatively easy to develop a bespoke survey from a template.
- be developed for use on Android AND iPhones
- fulfill a much needed requirement in the biodiversity recording community and remove the need for many organisations to develop their own applications, saving money and duplication of effort
- spread the cost among the community
- encourage public participation
- automatically add records to the NBN database without the need for a separate data submission process, which is often not a priority for organisations
Kind regards,
Steve Oram