Make sure you use a Recorder 2002 version 2.3.1 CD, i.e. the coloured one with a picture of a bee nectaring on a cowslip on it. If you don't have a copy of this CD, anyone who purchased earlier versions of the system can obtain a copy free of charge from John Morris at JNCC, tel. 01733 866866, e-mail Unfortunately installing Recorder 6 uninstalls the add-ins in Recorder 2002. I reported this problem last year so I am hoping it will be fixed in the next release of Recorder 6.
If you want to use any of the other add-ins, e.g. the Import Wizard, I suggest you download them from the NBN web-site as you will then be using the latest versions. The ones on the CDs are the versions that were available when the CDs were produced - December 2003 in the case of Recorder 2002 version 2.3.1. The links to follow are: NBN Information - Maps and recording - Recorder 2002 - + document (on the right) - use the drop down arrow to select Add-ins and add-in updates.
Sally Rankin, JNCC Recorder Approved Expert
Telephone: 01491 578633
Mobile: 07941 207687