When the fairly recent JNCC Vascular Plant Red Data List was published I wanted to find out whether the designations superseded Nationally Scarce. I spoke to a number of the authors and got different answers according to who I spoke to! I finally got a definitive answer from the editor Christine Cheffings that they are two different types of designation, so some species will continue to be Nationally Scarce even though they have been downgraded in the Red List.
Consequently I think we need to definitively assign designations to designation 'kinds'. The TAXON_DESIGNATION_TYPE table contains a field KIND which potentially could have this role (it isn't used in this way currently e.g. Priority Species are assigned to 'BAP' whereas short, medium & long lists are assigned to 'BioLists'. If designations were assigned to 'kinds' then it would be possible to use date fields (that indicate the period the designation operates between) in the table to assign the preferred designation.
That gets around the issue of changing names of designations, but what about when the same designation system is used but the species status is updated? I think we need to have an additional linked table of the publications that list species statuses. So the date (2005) of the Vascular Plant Red Data List would be used to assign the currently preferred publication source - in 10 years time, following the review of further fieldwork the new publication (assuming the designations are of the same 'kind') would become the preferred source and the statuses assigned to the species in it would become the preferred designations.
What do you think?
Incidentally, I agree with Charles that we do need to have a system that reports both the current preferred designations as well as all the historical designations.
Bob Saville