Re: Rec 6 Query Problems
I'm just trying to run some queries on my database for the first time in Recorder 6, however the records contained in one of my surveys are not being pulled out. At first I thought it might be because these records are unvalidated, but even once I've validated the records and unchecked the filters excluding such items, the report wizard still won't pull out the records. The infuriating thing is that my database was imported from a copy of R2002 and the records in the survey in question can be queried in R2002. Why can't they be queries in R6?
For example, when running a taxon query for Lithobius forficatus, R6 will tell me that there are no records. When running the same query on the same data in R2002, I get 119 hits. Can anyone suggest a reason why this is?
Alistair McLean
Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust