1 (edited by stevemcbill 24-02-2011 20:30:35)

Re: Addition Of Incorrect Lichen Name


One of our recorders attempted to input a lichen record yesterday and used the following reference to find the lichen's name: 

Collins Guide to the Ferns, Mosses and Lichens of Britain and Northern and Central Europe, Hans Martin Jahns, 1983.

The species name which he attempted to enter is given in that book as:  Parmeliella pumbea.  This name is NOT to be found on the Dictionary.  However, the Dictionary does contain the name "Parmeliella plumbea" as a synonym for the newer name of: Degelia plumbea, (Lightf.) P.M. J?rg. & P. James - NHMSYS0001480401 - lichen.

As the Collins books are used by a large number of naturalists and the incorrect name of "P.pumbea" is used on a number of websites across the Net - Can I please ask that the mis-spelled name of "Parmeliella pumbea" be added as an errata synonym under "Degelia plumbea" to ensure that the correct name can be found by anyone attempting to enter such records and using such reference material ??

Many thanks.


Steve J. McWilliam


Re: Addition Of Incorrect Lichen Name


I have inspected the book; added Parmeliella pumbea (Lightf.) Vainio with a note that it is misspelled. Taxon Version Key is NHMSYS0020774721

Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile