1 (edited by MikeWeideli 15-12-2010 16:43:28)

Re: Removing Sub-Genera

Following comments made regarding subgenera http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?pid=8161#p8161 I have uploded SQL (http://forums.nbn.org.uk/uploads.php?file=SQL_REMOVESUBGENUSETC.zip )   to the forum which does the following

1. Provides a UDF to remove the sub genera
2. Provides a UDF to replace the common name with the taxon group where there is no common name.
3. Provides attributes in the report wizard to use the UDF's

This is only a prototype and comments on any problems or the functionality would be appreciated. The UDF are available for use in XML reports although the one which deals with the common name could perhaps be done more efficiently with SQL in an XML report.

The installtion script needs to be run in  SQLServer Management Tools.

Mike Weideli


Re: Removing Sub-Genera

Sorry, but I can't seem to get the dowloaded  file to unzip.

3 (edited by MikeWeideli 16-12-2010 15:53:50)

Re: Removing Sub-Genera


Something has gone wrong with the upload. I will get it deleted and try again.  The file is also available at

Mike Weideli