1 (edited by Matt_tullie 02-09-2010 11:33:00)

Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?

There are lots of problems with the dictionary still. This we know.

But having looked at the NHM website and seen that the '5 year plan' ran to 2007 and no further, and the last summary table was provided in August 07, it would be nice to get an update on what is or isnt happening with the dictionary. Whats been acheived, and what is left to do?

If I knew that funding was just not available anymore and there were not going to be any quick fixes on (for example) Taxonomic sort order, then I might decide to do something myself to solve my particular problem.

But, if I know that there is a busy team of worker bees still munching through the taxons to ensure they do what they are supposed to do, then I can spend my time on other things.

Is anyone in a position to let us know, or point us at, the current situation? What are the resources allocated, the goals to be achieved?

Thanks in advance.


PS - just noted thread  http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=1228 which is of relevance.

Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum


Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?

Dear Matt,

The Species Dictionary itself is alive (and kicking :)); the Species Dictionary website at the NHM has been moribund since 2007, but is currently being rebuilt, as I write, and hopefully the current website will be replaced before the end of December with something much more useful.


The Natural History Museum remains committed to running the Species Dictionary Service (and it should survive cuts in Government spending)

Posts to the NBN Forum are responded to promptly (as with present example!) and suggested names rapidly added to the Dictionary (usually in the List of Additional Names)

Updates of the Dictionary are forwarded to the Gateway and Recorder Teams as demanded (usually several times a year).

New checklists and updates to existing checklists are being incorporated.

Admittedly, the focus has been serving NBN needs, rather than keeping the NHM website up to date. Two factors were that (a) the existing website (constructed in 2000) is inflexible and could no longer properly reflect the increased functionality in the underlying database and (b) there were hardware and software problems which made it difficult to perform updates. Funding has now been secured to proceed with a rebuild which, as mentioned, is currently under way.

Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile

3 (edited by stevemcbill 01-09-2010 14:09:44)

Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?


I wholeheartedly agree - this would be very useful indeed - even if it only made the rest of us push harder for more resources in this area and continued efforts to make the Dictionary 'complete' in terms of species coverage, Scientific Names, English Names and complete synonymy (as far as is possible).

In terms of a small increase in 'funding' - can the Dictionary not be 'sold' to other software purveyors ??


Charles - you just beat me in replying - many thanks for the update !!


Steve J. McWilliam


Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?


Many thanks for speedy and positive answers.
I feel better!


Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum


Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?


So, let me call your bluff, and take you up on your standards

Posts to the NBN Forum are responded to promptly (as with present example!)

and press you for answers to previously glossed over issues.

Taxonomic sort order and (http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=1216)
Taxonomic hierarchy (http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=1598)
as they manifest within recorder.

Are these issues on the project's radar at all, or are they not considered important enough in the current manifestation?
Or perhaps the task is so huge that its not a priority?

Again its just to get a handle on what is going to be fixed, and what is not!


Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum


Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?

I would add the UK BAP Priority list errors - http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=1056 and http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=1048 as queries as to what will be happening, although I suspect that this and Matt's queries might fall outside Charles' remit and may belong somewhere at JNCC. I assume that these would be somewhere on a low priority list of things that will be done when resources become available, rather than having fallen through the gaps between responsibilities.

Gordon Barker
Biological Survey Data Manager
National Trust

7 (edited by johnvanbreda 03-09-2010 07:23:36)

Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?

Hi Matt,
Rest assured, there have been quite a few discussions recently with JNCC about how to fix the taxonomic sort order and taxonomic hierarchy issues through changes to the software. We can probably fix species omitted from the hierarchy if on the list of additional names, however I think the problems in this post with additional taxa appearing in the wrong groups probably need to be fixed at source, i.e. within the dictionary. The ability to accurately report from Recorder is definitely a top priority though.
Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Species dictionary - work schedule, resources, progress, vision?


I am comforted.


Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum