Re: More NEW Marine Bivalves and Corrections to Older Names

Dear Charles,

The following website of the National Museum of Wales over at:

http://naturalhistory.museumwales.ac.uk … cation.php

has a latest checklist of British Marine Bivalves.  I am going through this looking for 'new' species not currently held on the NBN Dictionary and am putting them into a spreadsheet as requested.

However, I thought you needed to know that there are a fair number of names which match on the current Dictionary but which have either a different author attributed or a different author date (or both).  I am not currently making a note of these and it may be something that you wish to check out yourself or have the Museum send over a copy of their list for your use.



Steve J. McWilliam


Re: More NEW Marine Bivalves and Corrections to Older Names

Dear Steve,

Once again, thank you for alerting me to this resource. Don't worry about extracting new names. This checklist is important enough to go into the Species Dictionary as a discrete list. I have wriiten to Graham Oliver to ask permission to add a copy to the Dictionary.

Best wishes,

Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile