Re: Getting a response from a selected item
How do I get a response from the item that is currently selected in Recorder 6, for use in an XML report.
This is what I am trying to do:
1. Select a parish Location
2. Run an XML report that will list all the Local Wildlife Sites in that parish
This is a fairly simple XML report structure that just uses the tables Location (twice), Location_name, Site_status & Location_designation.
At the moment the only way that I can obtain the value of the item I have selected (the parish Location) is to use the "Show metadata" (i) button, copy the unique record identifier (making sure not to include the full stop - who put that there?) and paste this into the parameter box when I run my XML report.
But I should be able to add this XML to my Quick Report list and have it run using the selected Location's parameters without all that messing about.
Any ideas?