Re: Missing Trichoptera


I was just having a look at the preferred Trichoptera checklist (A review of the Trichoptera of Great Britain) and noticed that there are around 150 species missing. The dictionary has about 47 species, which is clearly too low. Is there a chance this is a problem with my own Recorder 6 or is it the dictionary itself?




Re: Missing Trichoptera

At present the Dictionary does not contain a list for Trichoptera with 'recommended' status. Hopefully such a list will be forthcoming, but relies upon efforts by Peter Barnard (NHM retired).

There are actually 249 Trichoptera species names within the Dictionary, spread across various lists.

The I D Wallace list of 1991 "A review of the Trichoptera of Great Britain" only contains 47 species because it exists to update relevant information in the RDB Insects (1987).

A more complete list (but not an up to date list) is the "BRC record card RA39 - Trichoptera" of 1998, which contains 202 species.


Charles Hussey

NBN Species Dictionary Project Manager (Retired!) smile


Re: Missing Trichoptera

Ok, thanks for that Charles.