At CCW we use and recommend the use of Marine Recorder for all our marine records. We store terrestrial records in R6. However you probably need to think about your data in terms of it wider and long-term use.
MR allow you to store important additional physical data with your biological records, such as Particle Size Analysis, granulometry and habitat data, so if you were likely to be holding more dedicated marine surveys in future, it would be worth investing time in building up skills in MR. This is particularly true if you wished to share and acquire records from/with other MR users (such as Countryside Agencies and JNCC). From the point of view of the Marine Sector having access to data in the same format makes life easier and helps standardise things. Essentially MR is more versatile when it comes to managing and using benthic marine data.
However MR is a different beast to Recorder 6 and even though the model is the same, the interface is different, consisting of an input database (MR) and a separate reporting and mapping module (Marine Wizard and Snapshot) and tools to manage there. Therefore it takes some time to get used to using and to learn how to manage the data. If you only ever wish to enter basic observations (i.e. what, where, when, who) then R6 will probably be sufficient. Also we don’t use MR for storing Marine Mammal data.
Both MR and R6 will allow you to supply data in NBN format, if you wish to make data available on the NBN Gateway, however I am not sure that you could easily transfer data from one system to the other.
I am sure you will get other opinions, best of luck