Re: Biotopes & Natural England
In Recorder we have a standardised list of Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitats which was created by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group in 2001. This is therefore a published standard.
We use these descriptions to deploy our services.
We also need to assist in the provision of services for our partners (see LDF topic).
On Natural England's website (e.g. at it is possible to download a list of statutory sites "Condition of SSSI units" and we get a terrific spreadsheet list of a counties sites, complete with "Main habitats", areas, condition etc..
Natural England seem to be using a different classification which they describe as: "The broadest classification of the feature on the unit selected from a list of habitats based on the BAP Broad Habitat classification".
How very much more useful this list would be if they used the published Recorder list of terms. As an example, the published Recorder list has an item described as "Lowland beech and yew woodland" and Natural England one termed "Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland - lowland".
The two classification systems simply do not match.
Nor are biotopes included amongst the fields in Natural England's downloadable GIS polygon dataset tables.