Re: Cannot see the File Code

The only Location field we have in Recorder 6 which enables us to form any kind of link between GIS polygon unique identifiers and Locations within Recorder is "File Code".
Following advice from published Recorder data models, our polygon identifiers are of the standard:
8 digit centre identifier + 8 digit object ID = 16 digits in total
The "File Code" field will take data of that length but the box on the Location form won't display it as the box is too short.
In order to be able to view it we are currently omitting the first 8 digits and propose adding this back in (via an XML report) for use in proposed Gateway projects (see http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=158) and other in-house projects
As a methodology that's fine whilst all the polygons originate from this centre but as soon as we begin sharing polygons with our partners there will be different 8 digit centre identifiers to incorporate and there's no clear way of doing this.
I want to drop this "work-around" of omitting the first 8 digits and change to using the full 16 digit code as our current system is clearly unsustainable.

Can we therefore have:
a) An extended "File Code" box on the Locations form
b) A dedicated "GIS polygon identifier field"


Re: Cannot see the File Code


I think the link with a GIS boundary should be setup on the Boundaries tab under Geo Info, that way you can have multiple associated polygons. However, this tab would need a reference field added to meet your requirements.

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Cannot see the File Code

I agree that the best place for it would be with boundaries and yes, a reference field is needed. We've used a location's file code in the past to store keys for linking with GIS datasets.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital