Re: Reducing unnecessary repetitive tasks in Location and Sample dataentry

Just a couple of suggestions which will speed up the job of entering data:
1. Entering a new Location
In response to entering a new Grid reference, a newly entered Location will not save until you respond to the "There are some locations within 2km of the spatial reference you have entered etc."
No doubt someone thought this a useful feature but frankly it is only one automated form of checking that you are not about to duplicate an entry and is no real substitute for the careful checking I've already done to ensure that I'm not duplicating.
For me it's just an irritating pop-up that slows down the work and provides an option to lose work that I've already done (I've hit the Yes button by accident more often than I've needed to look at locations within 2km)

Can there be an option to turn this dialog box off please?

2. Adding a Sample to an Event
Some data entry is simply a laborious 1 Event, 1 Sample and 1 Taxon occurrence (e.g. a single Badger sett record).
The Sample always requires exactly the same task: selecting "Field Observation" from the Type field.

Can we automate this task please?
Here's how:
a) on the Options form, provide an option to set a default Type for the Sample (perhaps this even resets after Recorder is closed so that it can only be enabled for a user's session)
b) on the Event's "Add" button's list of options add "Default Sample's Taxon Occurrence" and "Default Sample's Biotope Occurrence"
c) ensure that the Sample is added automatically on selecting either of these two options and cause the data entry to jump straight to the Taxon Occurrence or Biotope Occurence data entry forms.