Re: Unresolved upgrade & installation issues

Several issues regarding upgrades and installations of Recorder remain problematic and unresolved.
It is clear that some of them arise through the fact that these are not tested in a wide enough range of network environments.
The majority of Recorder installations I suppose will be on single PCs and small to medium networks but large corporate networks (with good security systems in place) must be included in the application design process.
I watched my colleague, Richard Wilkinson, finally resolve such an issue yesterday (http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=38) by having to obtain the permissions necessary to bypass a fairly standard corporate security setup.
I suspect that something very similar is the reason why my upgrade failure (http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=140) still remains unresolved.

Are future versions of Recorder going to be tested on a wider range of network configurations?

Can we expect better installation/upgrade documentation in the future?


Re: Unresolved upgrade & installation issues

Hi Darwyn

The answer is yes, we are planning to improve the installation documentation (I'm gathering ideas for this from the forum all the time).

I also agree that it would be a good idea to test Recorder 6 on a wider variety of network configurations, and I think that this is something we need to look into when planning to test the version after V6.9.3, which at the moment we envisage to be released around February 2007, provided no critical problems arise before then.

Kind regards,


Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant