Re: NBN Gateway Update November 2010
There are currently 57,489,934 species records available on the NBN Gateway from 527 different datasets.
Database last updated 6th December 2010
Species dictionary publication date 3rd November 2010
9 new species datasets from 3 organisations
Biodiversity Information Service for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park
Breconshire VC42 Birds
Breconshire VC42 Birds, sensitive species at 10km square resolution
CCW Regional Data : Mid-Wales, excluding vascular plants & bryophytes
CCW Regional Data : Mid-Wales, sensitive species at 10km square resolution
Bearded Tit National Survey in Britain 1992 (SCARABBS)
1989-2009 Black-tailed godwit breeding records in the UK (RSPB)
Dotterel national breeding survey in Britain in 1999 raw data (SCARABBS)
South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre
CCW Regional Data : South East Wales Non-sensitive Species Records
CCW Regional Data : South East Wales Sensitive Species Records
13 updated species datasets from 9 organisations
Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre
Amphibians and Reptiles in Buckinghamshire
Vascular Plants in VC24
Countryside Council for Wales
Lamprey Survey Data
Shad Monitoring data
Dragonfly Recording Network
Dragonfly records from the British Dragonfly Society's Dragonfly Recording Network for the period up to 2010
Hypogean Crustacea recording scheme
Hypogean macro-Crustacea records
Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre
Leicestershire Spider Records
Leicestershire Myriapod records. Historic to 2006
Marine Conservation Society
Seasearch Marine Surveys
Great Yellow Bumblebee sightings data in the UK, 1990 onwards (RSPB, BBCT, HBRG).
Warwickshire Biological Records Centre
Warwickshire Veteran Trees
Wiltshire and Swindon Biological Records Centre
Wiltshire & Swindon Incidental Species Records
Wiltshire & Swindon Site-based Survey Records
1 new geographic dataset from 1 organisation
Natural England
Heritage Coasts in England
4 updated geographic datasets from 2 organisations
Countryside Council for Wales
Local Nature Reserves in Wales
Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Wales
Natural England
National Nature Reserves in England
Sites of Special Scientific Interest in England
Best wishes,
Mary Campling