Re: Version 0.4

I've just uploaded version 0.4 of Indicia. Quite a big upgrade this time, here are the highlights:

You can now upload a SHP file into the list of locations in the Warehouse.

The Wraehouse now has a drag-drop enabled designer for the attributes associated with a survey.

The dynamic form prebuilt form has had a radical overhaul and is now much more flexible. It can dynamically generate the form content from the attributes you associate with the survey in the Warehouse. It supports both single and multiple species entry and allows full control over the standard controls present and default values.

The verification_1 prebuilt form has had a significant upgrade. It now supports sending a record by email to a verifier for checking, setting the response to verified or rejected, notifying the recorder and logging verification stages in the occurrence comments.

The species checklist grid control has had a significant upgrade. It now has better performance particularly when loading existing data and there are several bugfixes relating to reloading and editing existing data. The user interface has been improved when adding species to the bottom of the grid so it is much more efficient to use. It now supports the occurrence comment field and image upload direct into the occurrences for each row in the grid.

There is now a scheduled task checker script. At the moment, this script can be configured to run a report which looks for new records in the database. Warehouse users can subscribe to these trigger reports to be notified when new records are entered. For example, this could be configured to send emails when non-native species are recorded.

Better error handling in the upgrade process.

the checkbox control now stores negative (unchecked) values as well as positive ones.

Warehouse service calls can now specify a query for much more advanced filtering options.

There is a new report for species counts by group, ideal for BioBlitz feedback.

Better error reporting during bulk upload of data from csv files.

The Bird Transect Walk form uses AJAX form posting and a WMS layer for the main survey selection view, significantly improving the performance.

Many bug-fixes to the pollinators recording system (SPIPOLL).

Several improvements to the citizen science recording form.

The species checklists in the Warehouse now support relationships between taxon names, for example to track lumping and splitting of taxa.

The Report Grid control now supports the addition of actions, which are links that either access a parameterised URL or run a piece of JavaScript when they are clicked.

There is a new prebuilt form for displaying a distribution map, plus one for displaying the output of a report.

As usual there are many smaller changes and bugfixes which are fully listed on the Google Code site. Any problems, let me know.

Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Version 0.4


Thanks, John.

I shall be upgrading http://warehouse1.indicia.org.uk on Monday morning to this new version. While I do so it will be temporarily unavailable.

http://testwarehouse.indicia.org.uk is already upgraded as it was involved in testing some of the new features.

Jim Bacon
Biological Records Centre


Re: Version 0.4

The upgrade of warehouse1 has been completed and is now back on line.

Jim Bacon
Biological Records Centre.

4 (edited by Alan Hale 08-10-2010 13:29:05)

Re: Version 0.4

Hi John

I've successfully upgraded my warehouse server, and also the Drupal iForm module. I seem to have a problem with the latter since the redirect on save from the data entry page no longer works - it just returns to the data entry page. Any ideas?


Alan Hale

5 (edited by Alan Hale 08-10-2010 22:23:24)

Re: Version 0.4

Mmmm - looks like this might be because actually the data entry form is not successfully saving data. The iForm diagnostics look OK though - e.g. "Indicia Warehouse URL responded to a POST request". But after I've added data and clicked "Save" on the data entry form, the new data is not appearing under "Occurrences" in the warehouse interface.

And actually none of the data that was previously entered shows up now on the dot map.


Alan Hale


Re: Version 0.4

Hi Alan
You are right, if you don't output all the validation messages onto your form then it is possible to get this effect - saving the form just gives the appearance of reloading. An example of how this can happen is if there is a custom attribute added to your survey which is required but you don't have a control for that attribute on the form, then there is no where for the form to display the returned validation message. A way around this is to include

echo data_entry_helper::dump_remaining_errors();

after the controls on your form. This dumps out a debug message listing any remaining validation errors that have not already been handled.

I'm less certain why your previous data is no longer on the distribution map - maybe the GeoServer feature type needs to be saved and applied again to pick up any field changes? If you use something like FireBug to look at the messages being sent to GeoServer and the responses it can give some useful clues. If you want to, post a URL so I can take a look at why it is not working.

Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Version 0.4

Hi John

Many thanks, I will investigate further.

In the meantime the URL is http://walesbiodiversity.org.uk/



Alan Hale


Re: Version 0.4

Hi Alan
Rather than using my_dot_map, have you tried disitribution_map_1? The my_dot_map file is mainly intended for displaying your newly added observation in context of the dataset after adding a record, whereas distribution_map_1 is designed for a standalone disitribution map.

Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Version 0.4

Hi John

The Distribution Layer setup seems to be different for this form. I'm not clear what is supposed to go under "Feature Type". What is the taxon_meaning_id and how do you relate that to the website id in this box?



Alan Hale


Re: Version 0.4

Hi Alan
The taxon_meaning_id is a key used in Indicia to indicate the organism (irrespective of name) you are mapping. It will be included in the detail_occurrences view, which your GeoServer instance has exposed as a feature type called indicia_test:detail_occurrences. You can check these feature type names in the Layer Preview list in GeoServer. However, because when you set up the feature type originally the taxon_meaning_id was not in the view, GeoServer does not yet know it is there. This can be rectified by editing the layer definition then saving it without changing anything.

Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Version 0.4

Just logging the fact that I had to uncomment the unlink statement at line 5243 and comment out the watchdog statement in line 5244 of client_helpers/data_entry_helper.php when I installed this release.
