Re: Update Last Key

Hi all, Fisrt post of latest forum!

Well, have successfully carried out a three standalone, one network & four workstation setups in last week (thanks to some help from Mike W.:D).

A few issues, namely Last Key addin still isn't fixed. My concern with this is that I'm importing a lot of site-specific data to setup each install accoding to where it's needed & occasinally have to do merges. Should I be worried for future imports if I'm not able to update last key during this process?

Cheers now, Rob

2 (edited by johnvanbreda 09-05-2006 10:16:49)

Re: Update Last Key

Hi Rob,

If you are doing data imports and/or data merges using the standard tools in Recorder, then the last key information is always updated automatically so you shouldn't need it.  If you are doing anything different then it might be needed, in which case we'll need to see if Stuart Ball has an updated version of the addin.


John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Update Last Key

I am doing 'something different' on a regular basis, and the non-functionality of this add-in is a real problem.



Re: Update Last Key

Mike Weideli's post on the old SmartGroups gives an example of why it might be a good idea to get this add-in fixed:

I know of  some users have added their own entries to the Report tables
(Report_Attribute, Report_field,Report_join and Report_Where). If you have
done so be warned that the upgrade may  overwrite these entries when it
allocates the new entries for Designations. I think updating your last key
table for these tables will prevent the problem.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital